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2023 Western States 100 Recap | Race Analysis, Takeaways, Top Performances

Finn Melanson and Brett Hornig recap the 2023 Western States 100 - the live coverage, major takeaways, top athlete performances, the possible futures of the event, and listener takes.


(0:35) - when ultrarunning livestreams will become more entertaining than in-person viewing
(15:37) - analyzing Courtney Dauwalter's record performance
(30:15) - how and where the men's and women's races were won at Western States
(49:21) - increasing professionalism of ultrarunning
(72:05) - increasing international competition at Western States
(89:38) - additional race analysis, insights
(98:11) - responding to listener comments, questions
(107:14) - reflecting on our coverage of Broken Arrow and Western States


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