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Are elite runners happy?

“Should we be elevating people who focus 100% on the sport?

A good example is Free Solo. I think Honold soloing El Cap is one of the greatest achievements in human history. That being said, his soloing in many ways did not come from a good place.

And I think with myself, certainly, there is a Venn diagram where you have the happiest configuration of your life and you have a second circle that is your best physical performance possible. And I used to think that those Venn diagrams overlapped. Those circles do not overlap.

If you are maximizing your physical performance, you are not in the happiest configuration. And I think there are higher callings than being happy. But at the same time, I wonder every day, if I wake up tomorrow and I'm killed in an avalanche, how will I look back at the last couple of months of my life?”

- Jack Kuenzle

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